Here comes April...

So we have been in our new apartment for 2 weeks already, and so far things are going great, yesterday we got our first bit of furniture...YAY!!!
-Played two gigs
-Designed and purchased band shirts and stickers.
-Almost done with the album
-Had a band photo shoot today (when we receive the pics from the photographer ill be posting some)
-Got most of our basic necessities, for us and the apartment.
-Got our first load of furniture
-Learned how to use the apartment alarm...it was quite exciting i must say.
-Got the internet installed
-Had a great time hanging out with very cool people.
-Sebastien is basically driving now
-And much more.

Why im so happy today: Despite waking up on the wrong side of bed today and going to the photo shoot exhausted, with not much enthusiasm; when we came back home Nick prepared some yummy food for me (I have to add that hes been making yummy food for me for quite some while now, isnt he the best???) and I was able to just go lie down...and then I finally (after 5 months of waiting for this) felt my tiny baby moving in my belly, and I felt it four times in a row..so I know I wasnt imagining it. HEHE im so happy!!

Im going on Tuesday for my next check up, and hopefully they'll do an ultrasound or at least schedule one...I want to see my little one!!!

Anyways I just thought Id share that JOY with all of you.
Im very happy with the snack I just ate, yogurt with banana slices (I know, it sounds like such a pregnant woman snack but its delish.)

Enough babbling, hopefully in a few days ill have something interesting to post here ...YAY

I love you!!

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