
So, for some reason I keep checking my blog thinking that there will be a new post...and thinking what a boring blog this is.
Well I should do something about that and just..post.
Today I had the first 'baby dream' since I've been pregnant, and It made me really look forward to having my little baby in my arms:D.

I have been extremely tired since I got pregnant, I cant be up in the morning, and the rest of the day Im still very tired. I think its also due to the freezing cold house, I just want to be in the warmth of my bed all day.
Hopefully the cold will leave and Ill start getting the exercise I need, and continue my life as a normal person again.

I finished the game of 'the curse of Monkey Island' for the first time:D YAY

Hopefully I'll feel up to taking some photos of the first months of pregnancy...
Lots of changes are arriving this year both exciting and a little scary, but Im sure it will all be a good experience.

And now to end this post here are a couple pix of a wierd couple.