Professional Missionary Academy

Yes, I haven't posted about this either, and it was almost a month ago!!!!!
The main reason I haven't posted about it, besides the fact that I'm lazy, is that I don't have any photos of the PMA Graduation, and I don't like posts without photos.
I could rob some from Kathy's blog, but both me and Nick agree that I look pretty bad in those(I think the main reason is because in each photo I'm surrounded by these really hot chicks!!!)
Anyways it was great, I was able to go on bicycle with Kathy, chill in the Jacuzzi, eat yummy food, hang out with people, and I even received some nice massages from these professionals(Timmy and Jesse).
The sad part was that I actually didn't Graduate yet because I'm missing 3 assignments!
But Lord willing Ill be able to finish them before the end of the year!!!
When I get PMA pix, I'll post them, tata for now.

2 comentarios:

Boo ya said...

nice messages? hmm...sounds fishy.

Anonymous said...

Awwe, I wish I could have gone....I saw pictures of it on Kathy's blog....I miss you so much!