Well these have been some busy days for us, looking for apartments non-stop, the guys recording the album, fundraising, and now we have to prepare for the upcoming gigs and pack, etc...
Thankfully I think I've gotten some of my energy back and I can actually function in the mornings, YAY!
The other day while we were looking at an apartment I got dehydrated and fainted, it was weird for me because I never really fainted before, afterwards I checked online and it seems like its normal at this stage of pregnancy to feel light-headed and to faint, so im not to worried about it.
I'm pretty excited that in my next check up (on Tuesday), we will be listening to the babies heart beat!
I've had two dreams so far that my baby will be a girl...I suppose we'll find out soon, whether or not my dreams come true! I'm excited about that too!
Im going to try to take some photos on Monday that show my bump a little, it all depends on how I feel, and lately I haven't been feeling very camera friendly, hee hee, but ill make an effort.
While you wait for those pix I'll post some that I took recently.